Fire Marshall & Handicapped Personnel

This form is held on file with Security in case of Emergency. Although the building is equipped with all necessary emergency precautions, should there be a situation that requires evacuation of the building, this list will let us know who will be the responsible person in your office who can tell us everyone has evacuated your suite. This form will also let Security know if there is anyone on your staff who will need additional assistance evacuating the building.

Contractor’s Access Pass

During your initial move in and throughout your tenancy, you will use this form for any and all large deliveries (excluding FedEx, UPS or DHL) or contracted work being done in your suite. This will require information regarding the date of work, hours of access, the contractor or company doing the work, a contact person and number for that contractor, the areas in which they will need access, your information and the activities which will be taking place. We request 24 hours notice to review and approve the requests. This will be retailed with Security as well.